The book of kitchen witchery
Diseover new ways to turn your kitchen into a pagan
power center-a sacred space where you can craft
enehantment every day.
Learn which herbs, crystals, and colors work best for you in your
spellwork and on your home altar, your bedside table, and anywhere
you need a toueh of magic.
Cook easy and elegant suggestions, from Harvest Moon Herb Soup
to Witeh's Cottage Pie, as well as recipes for romanee--try the
Sweetheart Shortbread or Lovers' Tea.
Honor the Wieean Wheel of the Year with rituals and eelebrations
for every High Holiday as you uncover the history and symbols
behind every feast and festival.
Grow an enchanted garden with healing herbs, fruit, and
can use in your spelleraft and cookery, and become a kitehen alehemist by
brewing up blessings and making.your own medieines, teas, and tinetures.
Harness your talent for energy management so you can rid your home
of any negative energy and any blocks to happiness. See how easy it
will be to "sweep out the bad" with your own magie broom!